Here are the job category that we are provide
Here are the job category that we are provide
For more than 20 years Indonesia workers have been employed in south east Asia, East Asia, the Middle East, Europe and the South Pacific.
In many cases they’ve played a critical role in helping build local economies in Malaysia for example, Indonesia construction workers have assisted in much of that nation’s rapid urban and industrial development, while Indonesia plantation employees have been involved with the recent surge in palm oil production. Indonesians working overseas have won an enviable reputation for cheerfulness, tenacity and adaptability and for not being afraid of hard work.
Discerning employers in the healthcare industry in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore prefer Indonesians because they are known to be more patient, careful and considerate towards children, the handicapped and elderly people.
Indonesian don’t have overseas settle ethic. While they are prepared to spend years working abroad their families, they return to their homeland once their contracts are completed.
From helping you refine your supply chain management, enhancing human resource strategies, guiding you to choose the right corporate social responsibilities and managing your public relations, we provide all services to ensure the success of your business.
Kini sudah lebih dari 8 tahun Sujiati berkarir di Toronto, pada salah satu kota besar Canada. Dan yang paling menarik dari kisah Sujiati, kini dia mendapat gaji 30 juta per bulan dan bekerja pada salah satu perusahaan retail online dan merangkap sebagai PSW di Canada..
Sujiati earn more than IDR 30 million a month in Canada.
This is our partner around the world
Binamandiri Pte Ltd – Work Overseas Marketplace
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