
Australia will start to issue New Farm Worker Visa Scheme by end of September 2021, it will cover the following industry :

  1. Agriculture
  2. Fishery
  3. Forestry
  4. Meat Processing

The visa is applicable for Permanent Residency, but The difficulty remains in COVID19 Pandemic where the flight/border is remained closed, and Quarantine issue upon arrival in Australia

The visa is to replace the extension of WHV for British people, SO the applicant MUST have the same requirement as British, which means most likely functional English (IELTS 5,5) will be enforced for the visa, and it is the biggest barrier for Indonesian where English is not Second Language

It is complementary of the existing Pacific Scheme which only consist only 9 Pacific Countries + Timor Leste, and it is targeting South East Asian Countries including Indonesia

BUT which country will get the Visa, it is uncertain, it depends on the bilateral negotiation on each Country

Will Indonesia Government give a hard push to Australia to be selected as chosen Country? Wallahu a’lam

Source : https://www.abc.net.au

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