On 18 September 2021 has marked 36 years for Binamandiri in Global Workforce, it is mature age with vast experience for Binamandiri to continue for many more years ahead.
On 1st Quarter of 2020, The world has been shocked by COVID19 which has been devastated all sectors of World Economy. In Asia alone, 80 millions people were out of jobs, thus follow with the increase of Poverty. Most countries are in Lock Down were they do not receive People Migration, either for Tourist, Student more over for Workers.
Even Indonesian Minister of Manpower has to force all Indonesian Recruitment Companies to close their business from 20 March 2020 to 31 July 2020, to contain the Pandemic. Most Indonesian Companies have to suffer from closing the business, laid off the staff, or just able to deploy very minimum candidates due to destination countries restrictions.
Many majors and respective companies had to close or downsizing their business, thus more people are being laid off than job creation. Certainly COVID19 has effect our line of Business of Recruitment but Binamandiri manages to pass 2020 with joy and happiness, we are able not to close our business for any reason, and with the trust of our Respective Clients, we receive many demands of staff from 3rd Quarter of 2020 and it is growing til end 2020.
Despite the worsen situation of COVID19, we still keep our thought positive and optimist for better 2021.
Timeline of Binamandiri Muliaraharja
Binamandiri Pte Ltd – Work Overseas Marketplace
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